You're invited, but travel to Washington DC is required, you'll have to throw at least $500 in the kitty, then you'll mostly hang with people who aren't from the First:
July 20, 2006
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Please Join Senator Norm Coleman, The Honorable Gil Gutknecht, The Honorable Mark Kennedy,The Honorable John Kline, and The Honorable Jim Ramstad at a reception for State Senator Michele Bachmann (Candidate for MN-06 Kennedy open seat)Capitol Hill Club: 300 First St., SE Washington, DC
$5,000 Steering Committee-Raise or Contribute/$2,500 Host and $1,000 PAC/$500 Personal
All of our loyal readers with PACs: wear heels and don't forget the pearls.
UPDATE: Pam Spaulding asks her loyal readers in the DC area to attend Gil's party.