We were just about to add Eleventh Avenue South's post "Gutknecht May Be Off the Ballot" to our netroots afternoon round-up, when we noticed Andy's come back to the latest screed by Ron Carey, Minnesota's grouchiest neighbor:
MN GOP Uses Gays as Political Tool, Again
In a press release attempt to trivialize the pending Minnesota Supreme Court case determining whether 1st CD incumbent Gil Gutknecht will remain on the ballot, MN GOP party chair, Ron Carey sends out this blast attacking Gutknecht's DFL opponent Tim Walz for supporting gay couples:
"All the frivolous lawsuits in the world can't obscure the hard-left nature of Walz's candidacy. From his support of gay marriage to his campaigning with Al Franken, Walz is wrong for the families of the First District."
Remember last week when the Republican Party of Minnesota blasted candidate for governor, Mike Hatch, for failing to support the LGBT community in 1994? Pure hypocrisy. Republicans in Minnesota can't talk about the issues. They're even wobbly on the LGBT community, a community they outwardly despise.
I'm glad they did this opposition research. I remembered that Hatch had used anti-gay tactics during the 94 governor's race. I'm glad the GOP researched the public record on what they were. I think there was an anti-gay flyer passed around in northern MN.
Stonewall DFL withheld endorsement from Hatch. This speaks volumes.
Posted by: Eva Young | August 20, 2006 at 09:16 PM