Gil Gutknecht pens his response to the lawsuit being heard before the state Supreme Count on Tuesday. Read his words at the Winona Daily News.
Read the official court filings here.
Those wish to comment about the seriousness of the case after reading both items may do so in the comments section kindly provided by the Winona Daily News.
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Some choice responses from readers in the forum:
Ray wrote on August 20, 2006 11:10 AM:"Maybe the individual who filed the lawsuit is trying to help Representative Gutnecht fullfill his pledge to stay in congress no more than 12 years, that was made in 1994...lets see..hmmm..1994 + 12 = ????. The WDN had an article on Gudnecht[sic] campaign workers trying to alter a Wikpedia website on him where his pledge to leave congress after 12 years was removed. Why would they do that? "
VotemOut wrote on August 20, 2006 4:43 AM:"Must be nervous about finally being expected to follow the rules or Gil wouldn't make this feeble attempt to cover his tracks with humor. He has tried to delete the history in Wikipedia about his 1994 promise to only stay in office 12 years. He has flipped his position on troop withdrawals. He does not listen to average citizens but only to the very rich. It is time to send him home to keep his BBQ going.
NOTE: If we are not mistaken, it was a staff member, not a campaign worker, who altered the Wikipedia entry.