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August 28, 2006



The impact to Minnesota was known to Congressman Gutknecht before the final vote.The Senate had passed the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 but there were slight differences with the House version, so it had to go back to the House. Despite telling the voters in his eline, that he now understood how much of an impact this would be to Minnesota, he ended up not changing his vote. Click the link – or – here is the key points … note how Gutknecht restricted access.


U.S. Rep. Gil Gutknecht of Rochester says he now better understands the "severe effects" a $40 billion deficit reduction bill would have on social services, especially as they relate to the mentally ill and children in need of child protection services.
"Yesterday, I met with county officials," Gutknecht writes in his online newsletter on Friday. "After several weeks of talking past each other, I think I now understand the essence of the problem with the language in the reconciliation bill. It appears that it has particularly severe effects on the way we deliver social services in Minnesota."
Designed to trim a bloated budget deficit, officials have warned that it could "cripple" services to people with mental illnesses, the elderly and disabled, and children in need of child protection services. Olmsted stands to lose anywhere from $2.6 million to $5.8 million in federal support.
Gutknecht's meeting with county officials last week did come with a condition. He would only meet with one representative from each county, and their staffs could not be present, says Amy Caucutt, a lobbyist for Olmsted County.

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