Over the weekend, Leigh Pomeroy over at Vox Verax wondered whether "Perhaps Gil is listening to the wrong folks" with regard to the Iraq War. I had to wonder myself this morning when I stumbled across his letter of support posted on the Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform (MINN-SIR) website:
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your help on immigration reform. Your hard work throughout Minnesota and the Midwest is the reason why this issue has come to the forefront.
I want to reassure you that I will not let you down. Under no circumstances will I support amnesty!
I pledge that securing our border is what I consider first and foremost in casting any immigration vote. We must show a dedicated and consistent effort to secure our border and enforce our laws before we consider any other course of action. I must confess, the fight ahead is going to be difficult which is why your help in pressing this issue is more important now than ever. Since the House and Senate passed very different bills, the differences must be resolved by a conference committee made up of members of the House and the Senate. The Senate delegates to the conference committee will be pro-amnesty. This could have dramatic impact on the final report and unfortunately, conference reports cannot be amended. I will only have the chance to vote either for or against it. If there are amnesty provisions contained within the conference report, I will vote against it.
I have attached an article by George Will of the Washington Post on the politics of the immigration battle, which quotes me. I hope you will find it informative. Please continue your important work on this issue. It is because of dedicated citizens like you that we are winning this debate.
We've come too far to turn back now.
Gil Gutknecht
Member of Congress
As the letter indicates, Gutknecht is clearly happy with the work MINN-SIR is doing. (We're curious what he thinks about MINN-SIR founder and chief Ruthie Hendrycks' bid as Lt. Governor in Sue Jeffers' primary challenge to Tim Pawlenty).
So what is the "important work" MINN-SIR does in order to win Representative Gutknecht's praise? Let's take a look on its web site and see.
Many Minnesotans first heard of MINN-SIR last spring when it organized rallies in support of its version of immigration reform. Two things are most notable about the rallies: their sparse attendance and the fringe groups they attract.
MINN-SIR's own site reprints news coverage about the micro-rallies in its media page. WCCO reported on the group's April 8 rally:
The debate over illegal immigration is heating up in Minnesota. Demonstrators on both sides of the issue are rallying at the state Capitol this weekend.
"America first, America first, keep out illegal immigration now," chanted one protester with the group Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform.
About 50 members of the group marched around the Capitol steps Saturday afternoon.
Later in April the group sponsored rallies in Albert Lea and Austin and documents the events with a news article from an Austin television station. No numbers are given, and the archives of the daily papers in Austin and Albert Lea do not yield any coverage of the events.
Next, the group staged a rally at the federal courthouse in Minneapolis on April 29; 75 people showed up. They also sponsored a group of "Paul Revere" riders on Independence Day; this rally too was sparsely attended.
However, the group has gathered some friends of interest. It proudly proclaims itself to be the "Home ofthe Minnesota Minutemen" on the top of its homepage. Although MINN-SIR insists that it is simply against illegal immigration, the Southern Poverty Law Center has linked the group to white supremacists.
Star Tribune coverage of the federal courthouse rally included this partner:
The Rev. Jesse Peterson of the California-based Brotherhood Organization of New Destiny, which helps troubled young men, delivered an opening prayer. Peterson said black citizens are suffering in California because of illegal immigration.
Peterson, a favorite in the conservative speaker circuit, was widely criticized for his screed against poor victims of the Katrina disaster. In Colorado, a state legislator apologized on the floor for circulating the column to his colleagues.
Another ally is the John Birch Society. As is our old friend Paul Westrum. Like Westrum, Hendrycks and her group are fretting about the coming of a "North American Union." The MINN-SIR home page sounds the alarm about it and the NASCO corridor project.
Does Gutknecht oppose the NASCO corridor project and SPP? Is that part of the "important work" he applauds?
Finally, does Representative Gutknecht support the sentiments below from the pen of Ruthie Hendrycks? (Ah yes. I love the smell of the paranoid style in the morning.)
The President’s ratings have plummeted, the American public is becoming increasing more frustrated and angry with the crisis at hand - and yet you - do nothing. You are to blame. You seem to be determined to change and ruined this great Country as we know it. The word “IMPEACHMENT” is everywhere.
This current CRISIS will go down in the history books still yet to come. It is my sincere hope and prayer that it will state that this crisis plaguing America was adverted and with your name in the credits. What position to you choose to be associated with for all time?
WAKE UP OR GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A True Patriot
Ruthie Hendrycks
Republicans have used the hypothetical threat of Presidential impeachment by a new Democratically- controlled Congress as a scare tactic to fundraise for the midterm elections.
Does Gil Gutknecht approve of Hendrycks' rant, coming as it does from the right? Is his praise of MINN-SIR pandering or another show of independence from the Republican party?
What is wrong with opposing the NASCO corridor? It is a HORRIBLE idea, and Minn-SIR is doing a great job.
I've met Ruthie, and that's a true patriot if I've ever met one. Few are as dedicated to preserving America as Ruthie is.
I urge you all to check out her bid for Lt. Gov. on Sue Jeffers' website, www.SueJeffers.org
Tim Pawlenty had 4 years to move on the illegal immigration issue and he didn't do much.
It's time for a change.
Cast your vote in the primary for Sue Jeffers and Ruthie Hendrycks on Septmeber 12!!!
Posted by: Sara Nelson | August 14, 2006 at 04:25 PM