Gil Gutknecht has much to look forward to in terms of press coverage of the October 12 visit of House Majority leader John Boehner.
Other Boehner stumping trips are producing memorable headlines. Take this one, ripped from the website of North Carolina's leading newspaper: "As scandal festers, Boehner plumps for Jones."
The News-Observer article beneath the headline reports on a Boehner visit to Raleigh, North Carolina on behalf of Walter "Freedom Fries" Jones. Here's the lead to the article:
U.S. House Majority Leader John Boehner was in Raleigh Wednesday night, but he apparently didn't want to talk about the unfolding scandal in Washington.
Boehner blew by a reporter as he entered Caffe Luna for a closed fund-raiser for 3rd District U.S. Rep. Walter Jones of Farmville.
And some choice coverage for Jones himself:
Jones was in a delicate position. He criticized the GOP leadership while not blaming Boehner, who was raising money for him.
There's just nothing like earned media these days.