St. Cloud Times: St. Joseph mayor Carlbom to resign, join Walz's campaign office
The St Cloud Times reports that second-term St. Joseph mayor Richard Carlbom will resign during the May 17 meeting:
St. Joseph Mayor Richard Carlbom said Wednesday that he intends to resign to become a political director for U.S. Rep. Tim Walz, a Democrat who represents Minnesota's 1st District.
Carlbom said he plans to resign during the May 17 City Council meeting. He informed council members and staff during a special meeting Tuesday.
The new job requires him to move from St. Joseph, and he called the decision to resign "agonizing."
Carlbom is five months into his second two-year term as mayor.
"The community has come together to accomplish so much," he said. "I may have been the mayor, but it's truly the community that has accomplished everything."
Carlbom will become the political director in Walz's campaign office. The 1st District includes the southern part of the state, including Mankato and Rochester. . . .
A graduate of St. Johns, Carlbom was first elected mayor in 2004, when he was 23. He has served as the 6th CD Field Director for the DFL.
KTTC School Board Member to Challenge Walz
Lake Crystal Wellcome Memorial school member Mark Meyer makes it official, KTTC reports. BSP first picked up on the story in the New Ulm Journal back in January.
Meyer is seen as the social moderate in the Republican field, according to yesterday's New York Times/CQ Politics story.
We're hearing from friends in St Paul and the district that the emerging convenient wisdom about the race is that Senator Day is popular among the state's Republicans, but Rep. Randy Demmer (R-Backbench) is emerging as the pick among Washington DC insiders. Demmer was back at the Minnesota House yesterday, after two days' absence.
Not everybody on the right was happy with Tom Cole's "run down the center" philosophy, though links to yesterday's Washington Post article were curiously absent from Minnesota's right blogosphere. Was it something Cole said?
Today, the WaPo reports that moderate Republicans are worried about polling figures in Bush Told War is Harming GOP:
House Republican moderates, in a remarkably bluntWhite House meeting, warned President Bush this week that his pursuit of the war in Iraq is risking the future of the Republican Party and that he cannot count on GOP support for many more months.
AP: Most Minn. Democrats support Iraq funding bill; Ellison undecided
The AP's Frederick Frommer reports on the positions of Minnesota's congressional delegation members on the new Iraq funding bill. Walz's take:
Rep. Tim Walz, a Democrat and National Guard veteran, called the bill the "best we can get at this point."
Walz rejected criticism by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who said, "we just don't have the agility to be able to manage a two-month appropriation very well."
He said that Bush, after vetoing the first spending bill because of timelines, should have been more flexible on agreeing to benchmarks this time around. Had that been the case, Walz said, he would have been more willing to support funding for the war through September, as Bush is seeking.
Rock County Star Herald: Ken Burns' "The War" to premiere in Luverne
Ken Burns will be attending the premiere of his new documentary, "The War" on September 6. Tom Hanks and Samuel L. Jackson, who read in the film, wll attend if their shooting schedules allow.
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