Tim Walz is scheduled to be in at Winona's Farmers Market (2nd and Main Streets) tomorrow from 11-1 (the town is celebrating Steamboat Days). However, the House is scheduled to take more than 20 votes today, so it's possible that his travel plans might be changed (having spent over two hours Wednesday night on a plane with faulty air conditioning at Reagan National, we extend our sympathy to all the congressional travelers).
But people in the First will have more opportunities to see Walz's staff in the next two weeks, according to a news release:
Today, Congressman Tim Walz announced two additional mobile office stops during the next two weeks. In addition to regular stops in Winona and Owatonna, the Walz Mobile Office will stop in both Austin and Albert Lea during the month of June. The Walz Mobile Office provides constituents more convenient access to the resources available through Walz's congressional office.
Rep. Walz's staff will be on hand at each stop to meet with interested groups, take comments or answer questions form individuals. Constituents who are having trouble with any federal agency are encouraged to stop by, as Walz staff may be able to help resolve the situation.
Appointments can be made in advance for all mobile office stops by calling 507-388-2149. Walk-ins are welcome.
"It is my first priority to make sure that my constituents know my office exists to meet their needs. My mobile office regularly visits cities that are not in close proximity to my Mankato and Rochester offices in order to provide constituents with an opportunity to express their concerns or request assistance," said Walz.
June Mobile Office Stops:
Owatonna **location change**
When: June 21, 2007
Where: Owatonna City Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
540 West Hills Circle, Owatonna
Time: 8 a.m.-noonAlbert Lea
When: June 21, 2007
Where: Council Chambers Room at City Hall
221 E. Clark Street, Albert Lea
Time: 1 p.m.-5 p.m.Winona
When: June 27, 2007
Where: Blue Heron Coffeehouse
162 West Second Street
Winona, Minnesota
Time: 9a.m.-noonAustin
When: June 27, 2007
Where: City Hall/Public Utilities Building (Lower Level Conference Room)
500 4th Ave NE, Austin
Time: 2 p.m.-5 p.m.Regularly Scheduled Mobile Office Stops during July and August:
**date change due to 4th of July holiday**
When: July 11, 2007
Where: Worthington Chamber of Commerce
1121 Third Avenue
Worthington, Minnesota
Time: 9 a.m.-5p.m.The Walz Mobile Office visits Worthington on the first Wednesday of every month.
The Walz Mobile Office will move permanently to the Blue Heron Coffeehouse starting June 21st. The Walz mobile office will continue to visit Winona on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.Wed. July 11 9 am-noon Blue Heron Coffeehouse
Wed. July 25 9 am-noon Blue Heron Coffeehouse
Wed. Aug. 8 9 am-noon Blue Heron Coffeehouse
Wed. Aug. 22 9 am-noon Blue Heron CoffeehouseOwatonna:
The Walz Mobile Office will relocate to the Owatonna City Hall starting June 21, 2007. The Walz Mobile Office visits Owatonna on the third Thursday of every month.Thurs. June 21 8 am-noon Owatonna City Hall
Thurs. July 19 8 am-noon Owatonna City Hall
Thurs. August 16 8 am-noon Owatonna City HallWalz's Rochester and Mankato offices are open weekdays from 8 am-5 pm and by appointment.
Office of Rep. Tim Walz
227 E Main Street, Suite 220
Mankato, MN 56001
507-388-2149Office of Rep. Tim Walz
1134 7th Street NW
Rochester, MN 55901
A note on the graphics: the image above is taken from a WWII poster for the U.S. Crop Corps, clipped to encourage our readers to support their local farmers markets. Not only are fresh veggies good for you, but buying them from local growers helps your local economy while reducing the energy needed to bring the produce to market (in most cases).