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August 12, 2007


If I were a cynic, I might think that Cameron was making a brazen and dishonest attempting to discredit Tim Walz while posing as someone who is not a Republican partisan, but an independent, or even a liberal. I might also think that, as a leader in the Minnesota College Republicans, Cameron might be be a part of an organized campaign to discredit Tim Walz. And, if I was really cynical, I might think that Cameron might be getting paid by someone to do this dirty job.

But I choose to look at this incident as something else. I believe it is a cry for help from a tormented soul who is having terrible trouble integrating their multiple personalities. To think otherwise would mean believing that Minnesotans could descend to depths of depravity so low that you would have to travel to Washington D.C. to see their like.

Please, if you know Cameron, try to get him the help he so desperately needs.

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