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August 29, 2007


Great and informative post (as usual.)

I believe the proposed legislation does NOT cut any funds to the lower cost, more efficient, traditional government Medicare plan that the vast majority of seniors use BUT does cut the Medicare Advantage which Paul Krugmen describes in his August 1st column, as a "privatization scheme that pays insurance companies to provide coverage, and costs taxpayers 12 percent more per beneficiary than traditional Medicare." Medicare Advantage was created by Bush in the passage of the Prescription Part D (Drug) and we can thank former Minnesota Congressman Mark Kennedy for his deciding vote to give it the one vote margin of victory. (Gutknecht voted against it)

What we have here is a smear campaign against Walz and the Democrats. The bill was primarily a party-based vote with 3 Republican rollovers including Chris Shays of CT. Why would the Republicans vote against this bill ... not because of the desire to eliminate funding cuts for Medicare Advantage, but instead because the legislation including coverage for insurance for children of the working poor. Congressional Republicans do not want any expansion of insurance coverage yet people like Tim Pawlenty and other state Governors recognize the need for SCHIPS.

It is my understanding that the legislation has many positive aspects :
• Reauthorizes the State Children's Health Insurance Program for 6 million children and provides 5 million more low-income children with health coverage – a total of 11 million children.
• Ensures seniors continue to have access to the doctors of their choice by stopping a 10% payment cut to doctors.
• Encourages seniors to seek preventive health benefits by eliminating co-payments and deductibles.
• Protects low-income seniors by expanding and improving programs to ensure Medicare remains affordable for those with lower incomes.
• Ensure seniors in rural areas continue to have access to Medicare and the doctors they trust.
• Shores up Medicare's finances by extending the solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund by two years

Smear and deceive is the objective here ... the Nursing Home Industry just wants to ensure (or should I say insure) their continued payment levels.
Congress is taking Good Action here addressing a problem, yet the smear campaign will ensure that Congress's ratings stay in the 18% favorable range.

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