One of the standard tactics of grassroots membership organizations is the fly-in of local and state leaders to meet with representatives in Washington. This is Sportsmen's Week in DC, and members of Trout Unlimited (pictured at the top of this post) stopped by Rep. Walz's office to talk about the effects of last month's flooding on southeastern Minnesota trout streams.
Yesterday, KSTP reported about Sportsmen's Week:
. .On Sept. 24 through Oct. 3, the House of Representatives will focus on issues important to the sportsmen’s community and recognize the tremendous contributions these men and women make to our economy and our communities all across the country.. . . Every year, millions of Americans participate in hunting and fishing activities across the U.S. In 2006 alone, an U.S. Fish and Wildlife estimated 42.5 million Americans participated in hunting and fishing activities with 30 million Americans participating in fishing and 12.5 million Americans in hunting.
Walz issued a statement about Sportsmen's Week:
"As co-chair of the Rural Caucus, I am especially honored to celebrate Sportsmen's Week," said Walz. "Hunters and anglers support 1.6 million jobs and play a central role in keeping our rural economies alive and well. As a pheasant hunter, I am proud to be a part of a group that helps shape our national heritage and seeks to ensure the good stewardship of our land and natural resources."Earlier this week, Congressman Walz cosponsored two resolutions that the House passed: one recognized hunters across the United States for their continued commitment to safety and another encouraged participation in hunting and fishing, as these activities assist with scientific management of wildlife and conservation of the natural environment.
For a SE Minnesota blogging fly fisherman and KTTC meteorologist's personal perspective on the floods, visit Driftless Skies flood pictures page. Great title for a blog if there ever were one.