We missed Almanac because we were picking the last of the tomatoes and covering tender plants. The segment is available here for those with broadband. We'll write more about the show tomorrow.
However, we did catch the lead story on KEYC-TV's 10 o'clock news. Congressman Walz has asked the president to release low-income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP) money for flood victims. The news clip isn't posted yet, but The station told the story in Walz Asks White House to Speed Up Heating Program Funds, and this news release is available at the Walz web site:
Today, Congressman Tim Walz wrote to President Bush and asked him to release funds from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for those recovering from recent flooding in southeastern Minnesota.
“This is yet another step that the federal government can take to help those in southeastern Minnesota who are recovering from the devastating flash floods that occurred in August,” Walz said. “Helping victims of natural disasters is consistent with the mission of LIHEAP and I hope the President seizes this opportunity to do what is right for Minnesotans.”
The LIHEAP contingency fund currently has a $131.5 million balance that will expire on September 30th, 2007, unless the money is released. Under the law, these funds may be used to help individuals recovering from a natural disaster replace damaged utility systems, replace major home appliances such as water heaters, or pay their home heating bills.
Walz said that LIHEAP funds have previously been used to help individuals recover from a natural disaster. The Bush Administration previously released LIHEAP funds to affected state following Hurricane Katrina and the Clinton Administration released funds to help North Carolina recover following Hurricane Floyd in 1999.
A PDF of the letter is available here.