Mel Strand, a retired reader from Waseca, writes in about last week's ads attacking his congressman:
The full-page ad running in this newspaper since last Friday is an example of dishonest manipulation of information by organizations backed by Big Business concerned not about us, the ordinary citizens, but about their increasing profits.
The Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care and the American Health Care Association are primarily concerned about increasing their incomes by taking advantage of government handouts. Both these groups paying for the ad represent the industry and the largest nursing home chains in the country.
Our congressman, Tim Walz, voted against the provisions that would not benefit Medicare patients and the elderly. He supported provisions endorsed by AARP, the organization to which many of us belong.
Whom would you rather have working for you and your health care, AARP or the two organizations that deliberately twist figures to increase their profits? Walz voted to extend the life of Medicare by eliminating overpayments to HMOs and private insurance companies represented by the two groups that paid for the full page ad.
His vote would save Medicare $150 billion over 10 years and decrease the amount seniors are paying out-of-pocket.
Walz is working for his constituents, not for private companies trying to profit by charging the government huge fees. Walz wants to protect Medicare from privatization and promote fiscal responsibility by reducing overpayments to private plans. The Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care and the American Health Care Association are worried about cutting $2.7 billion because it will reduce their profits.
Do as the ad says, call Walz — but thank him for voting for us, his constituents, and not for Big Businesses taking advantage of government programs.