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November 30, 2007


I'm not sure how I came across this posting, but let me assure everyone, Senator Dick Day did in-fact talk with 3 U.S. Border Patrol agents for a period of approximately 20 minutes at MM15 on Hwy 286 with 18 apprehensions that were waiting for Wackenhut transportation.

The agents were also talking with Darla Jaye, from the Darla Jaye Show (KMBZ Radio Kansas City).

I personally asked for permission from the senior B.P. agent if we could take pictures, etc.

Therefore, the article in question is correct, however, NO...I did not get a chance to go through proper channels at the time. The pictures are available...

Dave Bertrand
Media Relations Director (AZ)
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC)

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