We are deeply saddened by news we just received of the death of Jared Stene, president of the Winona State University Student Senate.
Over the Thanksgiving break, Jared had suddenly developed jaundice, then liver and kidney failure. According to his friend Hal Kimball (Blue Man), he suffered a heart attack in the intensive care unit of Fairview hospital in Minneapolis, where he was waiting for a liver transplant.
Jared Stene, a senior majoring in Political Science and Public Administration, with a minor in Mass Communications at WSU, hailed from Woodbury, Minnesota. He was 22 years old.
A crusader for student issues and affordable higher education, Stene is mourned by his parents, his sister Caitlin at WSU, and the countless people he touched in his life with his passion, kindness, and energy.
In addition to his years of service in WSU's senate, Jared served as the treasurer of the Senate District 31 DFL and the Winona State University Board Member for the Minnesota State University Student Association.
He is part of the group shot of our pesky (but dear) friends on the banner of I Don't Hate America.
You can learn more at his page on caringbridge. His sister writes:
God has plans that we all sometimes dont understand right way...
God must have a GREAT ONE FOR JJ!!
My family and I were with JJ when he took his last breathes of air tonight...
Jared Paul Stene passed away peacefully tonight the way he would have wanted it to be.
Funeral arrangements are pending. Our prayers go out to his family and friends.
Update: Ian G., Jason and DJ have posted a hotdish of their memories of Jared at IDHA in three posts:
RIP Jared Paul Stene July 18, 1985- November 29, 2007
Jared Stene - Passionate human being
It still hasn’t sunk in: Jared Stene is gone
Hal Kimball at Blue Man in a Red District shares his memories in Tough night: RIP Jared Stene.