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December 23, 2007


The Free Press did not mention that Congresswoman McCollum also voted against this legislation.

I am glad that The Free Press appreciates the ATM problem (in light of their Santa Clause Congress editorial earlier) as some of the other newspapers just seem to embrace " status quo politics — today’s “Smile and Wave While We Ignore the Real Problems” brand of government that ignores any issue that can’t be solved in a sound bite.”

I don't believe that there is much difference between last year's patch and this year's ... except the Republican-controlled Congress got it done earlier in the month (12/6/06) ... it still unfairly favors the wealthy. The Dems offered some very good tax proposals that Congressman Rangell said would generate revenue offsets for the almost $80 billion cost.

I haven't always agreed with Congressman Walz on all his votes, but this time he proves that he is a Fiscal Conservative as opposed to the Faux-Fiscal Conservative Gil Gutknecht.

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