The Washington Post reports House Approves Spending Bill. The lead:
The House last night approved a $515.7 billion domestic spending measure that shaves billions from spending levels desired by Democrats and uses emergency spending and other tactics to challenge President Bush on his budget demands.
The legislation, which passed 253 to 154, funds every agency of government but the Defense Department for fiscal 2008. The House then voted 206 to 201 to approve an amendment that includes $31 billion for fighting in Afghanistan but none for the war in Iraq.
The Walz congressional office sent out some background information about the bill:
The Rules Committee has posted the text of the omnibus spending bill (in a non-searchable format) here:
This legislation contains funding for a number of specific Minnesota projects, 20 which are included at the request of Congressman Walz. A final installment of $195 million for the I-35W Bridge in Minneapolis is also in this bill. It can be found in Division K, page 21, line 22.
Download OmnibusReportSprdsht0final.xls, the list of projects requested by Congressman Walz. Some of the money is for Highway 14; over at IDHA, DJ notices Day ignores transportion (among other issues) to hang with the Minutemen. Danielson an artist's rendering of Day's press release claim that he go to look through night vision glasses. We suspect that Santa found Day's googles here. KAAL reports Highway 14: A Dangerous Drive.
The Strib reports I-35W bridge funding passes House and Money for Minnesota, including the Walz money for Highway 14.
More grieving at Winona State University, as another college student dies. An ignorant reader comments that the deaths are alcohol-related, and other readers object. KTTC has more in A Tragic Month, including the news:
So far there is no indication that any of the student deaths had to do with drugs or alcohol.
Politically Connected House Watch: Nope, the editors still haven't changed the top links for stories listed under "National Politics: House." The November 29 (Updated December 4) Day press release on immigration is still a top item on December 18.