The Winona Daily News has published a moving editorial praising the legacy of Jared Stene:
It’s hard not to love a guy who has an abiding appreciation for hot dishes. It hard not to love a guy who is so passionate about “The Price is Right” he starts a local fan club. And that’s why it’s so hard not to cry a little at the passing of Jared Stene, the Winona State University student body president. . . .
. . . But Stene’s life should serve as another powerful reminder to those outside the WSU scene. Too many folks in this community are sometimes too quick to believe in the stereotype of college students being drunk, careless or uninspired.
You only have to look at the life of Jared Stene to know that’s simply untrue. His life and his service prove the next generation will be in good hands if people like Stene are involved.
There is compassion. There is intelligence. And most importantly, there are still students — maybe even more of them today than ever — who look at life with an unflinching tenacity, ready to embrace it, celebrate it and squeeze everything out of it they can.
That was Jared Stene.
And so Jared Stene has indeed left us — he’s left us an important reminder to celebrate the life we have and to have faith in the next generation.
Go read the whole thing at the WDN.