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December 29, 2007


With due respect to your choices, I believe one of the major impact moments of the past year was the Veto Override Failures.
Pawlenty wielded his power over the state transportation funding (and other matters) and due to a bare minority in the House, the Governor won. The citizens lost, business lost, so therefore the state lost. Just those few pennies a gallon would have been the start, but the last session once again produced zero new dollars for roads, bridges and transit. Jennifer Byers of the MN Chamber of Commerce said “No issue is more frustrating for the statewide business community.” But when its time for endorsements for November elections, I suspect the Chamber will endorse many of those House members that supported the veto.
And Bush vetoed the SCHIP program over the objection of many states, but once again a minority of House members supported Bush.
Both of these vetoes will impact us for years to come.

Now the next question is, What will be the issues that need to be addressed in 2008 ? It is wishful thinking that the elections won't impact legislation, but can we afford to waste any more time ?

Ollie responds: I was looking at news that was particular to the First, rather than statewide or nationwide. Had that criterion been different, your suggestion would certainly have been on the list.

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