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January 11, 2008


What is the basis for Day’s comment : “send home some federal dollars to help expedite construction like Rep. Gil Gutknecht did” ?
Gutknecht was an utter failure in getting our share of the gas tax dollars returned back to the First District. Highway 14 construction was years behind because Gutknecht belonged to the Boehner school of not sending money back to the district. IF Don Young was the First District’s Congressman, Highway 14 would have been done last century. I asked Gutknecht’s office for a comparison of MN versus Iowa on which state was more effective in getting their tax dollars returned as Iowa was boasting that they got more money than they paid in … but his staff never responded … I knew the reason why …
Gutknecht could tell us that we’re all enjoying a piece of the pie, but he never told us that somebody was getting a bigger share than ours.
Kline is hurting all Minnesotans … we all use the roads … and it’s our gas tax money that is going to Washington to be redistributed.

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