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January 19, 2008


John Boehner gave a very good speech at the RNC Winter meetings which I suspect will be the talking points for November’s elections. One tidbit was discussion of taking back the House … he outlined that they only need 16 seats and there were that many in districts that Bush had won in 2004. With the national convention in St. Paul, Coleman having a featured race, and potentially Pawlenty on the ticket, there will be every opportunity for Republicans in Minnesota to become quite excited. Southern Minnesota has long been considered Republican territory, so the money race will not be a fair indicator of the election results. Boehner gave some good advice : Hold to your principles. To date, Walz has held to his principles … voting in what he thinks best for the district and the country … the problem is that Ron Carey will Swiftboat Walz on every issue … at this date, the endorsed Republican nominee may be unknown, but we can safely call him “Smear and Sleaze” … watch out for the Push Polls, robo-calls, and paid advertisements from third-parties. It’s gonna be a rough fall.

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