We have obtained a copy of a script of a generic Foundation for the Defense of Democracies/ Defense of Democracy* ad similar to the one tailored to the First mentioned in our last post. The one now running in Minnesota's First replaces the generic "Call Congress" contact info with a command to call Congressman Walz and lists his Rochester congressional office.
One curious wrinkle the ad doesn't point out to the viewers it tries to frighten: Walz voted with the Republicans against an extension of the PAA. Instead, he wanted to stay in Washington and finish work on the replacement. One thing in the Senate version that Walz has said will not support in retroactive immunity for telecoms.
As we learn more about DD's media buy, we'll let our readers know. Meanwhile, First District residents who want Congressman Walz to stand strong should call his Rochester office and ask that he not buckle in to scare tactics.
*Update (edited): The Owatonna People's Press is reporting that a newly-hatched group called "Defense of Democracy" is actually the sponsor of the ad. See our post about it here. However, Brian Wise is listed at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies website as Director of Media Relations, so there's a connection between the two outfits.
See some of our other posts on the ad from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies/Defense of Democracy here, here and here.