Over at Minnesota Central, our moderate friend McPherson Hall asks Will Dick Day and Ruthie Hendrycks face the Inconvenient Truths on Immigration ? Hall draws his title not from Al Gore, but from an article in the conservative Weekly Standard:
Dick Day’s resume is full of a pro-business agenda that should easily make him a qualified candidate for US House, yet his immigration agenda is what the papers are reporting.
Ruthie (Ruth) Hendrycks announced her campaign, to replace Brad Finstad representing Minnesota House District 21B, with a focus on immigration. I suppose this should not be a surprise since in her 2006 campaign for Minnesota Lt. Governor, she was running to “preventing the balkanization of Minnesota.” At that time, she announced “that the lack of political experience is one of our team's biggest assets.” Well, since she did not acknowledge any “political experience” in her announcement, she might need to a little advice.
William J. Stuntz in the February 18 issue of The Weekly Standard has an article entitled The Inconvenient Truths of 2008 :” The Republican base wants the country to reacquire control over its southern border, and wants to see the millions of illegal immigrants already here expelled or punished--because anything less rewards them for their violations. The first goal is both good policy and good politics. The second is a practical impossibility and a political disaster. No American government can afford to track down and expel, fine, or otherwise penalize 12 million of its residents: 17 times the number of convicted felons who enter prison each year (and today's imprisonment rate has shattered historical records). That much law enforcement is beyond government's capacity--a fact for which conservatives, of all people, should be thankful. . . .
Go read the rest over at Minnesota Central. We don't agree with all of Stuntz's analysis, but his points are provocative.
We would like to add MN-01 wannabe congressional candidate Brian Davis to Hall's list of aspiring candidates who might need a little schooling about such inconvenient truths (we'll send him somewhere else for an education about global warming, as he is firmly in the ranks of global warming deniers).
Not only has Davis posted YouTubes about his immigration policy positions, he has actively courted the support of Hendrycks' group, Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform. We found evidence of Davis's courtship of MinnSIR yesterday in Protect Our Border Now, a Yahoo group to which Hendrycks frequently posts. This emailed request for support was sent by Davis and posted by Hendrycks:
Message directly below sent from Brian Davis - Candidate for Congressional Dist 1
Dear Minnesotans Seeking Immigration Reform,
I would like to encourage everyone to attend their caucus on Tuesday, February 5 at 7 pm! Your caucus location can be found here: http://www.mngop.com/pf/. This is the time to have our voices heard. It is also time to elect citizens who will stand up for our laws and insist that our borders be defended. We need representatives who will ensure that the border fence is built and that amnesty remains an unacceptable option. If you wish to help, you should work to be elected as delegates on the night of the caucus so that you can attend your County Conventions and progress to become delegates to the First District convention on March 29 and to the State Convention at the end of May. Only with your efforts can we make a difference.
Thanks for any efforts that you take in this matter!
Brian J. Davis
Candidate for the Republican Endorsement
U.S. House of Representatives, MN-01
MinnSIR endorses candidates on the state and federal level but does not appear to provide contributions or in-kind support. The group approves of both Day and Davis.
(So far as we are able to determine, MinnSIR is an unincorporated association, although the group's moniker itself is an assumed name registered to Hendrycks herself, according to business records at the Minnesota Secretary of State's office. More on the group itself later in the day).