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February 24, 2008


Victory is in grasp ... victory in the War of Misinformation.

According to this website
there are 17 members of Congress being targeted. Jason Altimre and Walz are the only two that I could find doing a Google search.
Walz doesn't surprise me since the Mankato/Rochester media market is probably a cheap buy when compared to Pittsburgh.

The web link references Clifford May who is also on http://www.defenddemocracy.org/biographies/biographies.htm

Isn't this the same group ?

Has Congressman Jim Marshall (D-GA) has any comment on these commercials?

I guess it doesn't matter who the Republicans put on the ballot, the real candidate will be Sleeze and Smear paid by Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, Steve Forbes, Newt Gingrich, etc.

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