We're waiting for the new screen for our laptop (which will heretofore be more safely housed in a Zero Halliburton computer case) so blogging about today's events has had to wait until we arrived home. We'll start posting in a bit.
Short skinny: large enthusiastic crowds in both Mankato and Rochester, with the Congressman greeted with cheers by the delegates and volunteers. The lot at Century High was packed and some people had to park on the street.
We left Mankato too soon to observe the kick-off of the voter canvessing effors, but they were roaring in Rochester. A phone bank was set up in a room separated from the din of the convention, and door knocking teams (mainly energetic young people in bright orange and blue shirts) were dispatched as soon as they were trained in.
We listened to the volunteers making phone calls, caught Walz's speech in both places, and went out and watched the Congressman doorknock. We'll have some great stories after we eat dinner and in the morning One highlight was a passionate speech for Walz by an Army reservist who had been deployed twice, once to Iraq and once to Kuwait; we'll post excerpts from the transcript.
As we walked in the door at Century High, we received a call about Brian Davis's first-ballot endorsement from D.J. Danielson, always the kind and considerate gentleman that he is. We were rather surprised, given his extreme hard right positions, but it seems to be that sort of year for the Republican Party of Minnesota.
When Congressman Walz arrived, we asked his opinion of the Republican Party's choice. He said words to the effect that it had to be one of them, smiled, and went to greet the room full of people telephoning voters, the door knocking teams who were being trained at that moment, and to give a rousing speech to hundreds of Olmsted County DFL activists, who punctuated his speech with shouts of support, laughed at his wit, and stood for a thunderous ovation at the end of his remarks.
More after dinner and in the morning.
Congressman Walz's speech was phenomenal!
Posted by: cursedthing | March 30, 2008 at 08:53 AM