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March 10, 2008


Mr. Phillip Araoz is incorrect regarding lawyers involved in the FISA lawsuits. They were being brought by the NON-PROFIT Electronic Frontier Foundation, a consumer rights group … not by paid trial lawyers. Those lawyers do not get a percent of the take … they are on flat salary. There is no money to be gained.

That aside, as a point of comparison, how much did the Telecoms give to the Republicans ?

For the 2006, Gil Gutknecht’s second largest contributor was a telecom (Blue Earth Valley Communications) and overall, his eighth largest contributor with $29,200 were from Telecoms. That’s just in MN-01. Other monies were indirectly contributed to PAC which transferred monies to Gutknecht and other candidates.
Overall, the Telecoms/Utilities gave $4,788,127 to the Republican Party … sorta makes the $1.5million by trial lawyers look kinda small.

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