Update: Much better, though Ashwin Madia's last name is still spelled wrong. [end update]
Speaking of veterans' issues, Doug Grow's column in today's MinnPost, Sarvi could be third Iraq veteran on this fall's DFL slate of congressional candidates, is just plain irritating in its inaccuracy.
Grow is correct about Ashwin Madia (whose last name he misspells) and Steve Sarvi being Iraq War veterans. Sarvi and Madia are seeking the DFL endorsement in their respective congressional districts.
But Tim Walz is not an Iraq War veteran. He served in Italy in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, the war in Afghanistan (he mentioned this fact at yesterday's roundtable at MSUM). It was part of his 24-year service in the National Guard. Walz retired with the ranking of Command Sergeant Major.
Why does this matter? First and foremost: truth. Secondly, beginning in the 2006 race, conservatives have been trying to claim Tim Walz misrepresents his service record. No, he doesn't. Rather, journalists who can't be bothered to fact check come up with this misinformation.
Grow and the editors at MinnPost should apologize to their readers for this mistake and explain why their mistake is such a screw-up. Thanks,Twin Cities Deep Pockets, for creating fodder for the right wing spin machine. Thanks, editors, for not bothering about basic facts.