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March 11, 2008


Check out Politico’s article on FISA http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0308/8959_Page2.html

They state that there is another commercial being broadcast … but they don’t say what areas are being targeted.
The chart shows the $ leverage of the Telecoms and Chamber groups have available to lobby Congress versus the Electronic Frontier Foundation and other plaintiffs.
The interesting comments are :
The group has made the case that there are other ways to protect the telephone companies without providing blanket immunity, including capping financial damages. “Immunity without any meaningful court review only [serves] to bury wrongdoing”
Also, a telecom lobbyist said, granting immunity would prevent the public from finding out whether there was a quid pro quo between corporations and the government.

Regarding a moratorium on earmarks … give me a break. Does postponing a Lewis&Clark project now make it any less expensive or unnecessary in one year? Projects will just be delayed or held in queue while new projects come forward … the next Congress will have to deal with the issue. Pork-barrel spending is one thing … earmarks are another.
My suggestion would be that they put a cap on any one State for how much can be spent … in absolute dollars and in per capita dollars. How can it be justified that Alaska gets $1.80 for every tax dollar paid .. in 2006, Alaska got $325 million … or $490 for every resident while the national average is $30.
If the Republicans were serious about earmarks, they would have put Jeff Flake on the Appropriations Committee not Jo Bonner … and that was approved by Kline and the rest of the Republicans last month. Secondly, with the number of retirements from the Appropriations Committee, if the Republicans were serious they should just re-assign those people out now and replace them with Kline and his fellow vocal complainers.

Earmarks are getting the publicity, yet the wasteful military spending is not getting the same attention.

• Spending on cost-plus contracts - under which the government bears the risk of cost overruns.
• Spending on no-bid contracts - those granted without competition from other companies.
• Spending on monopoly contracts, which allow the government to buy goods and services without defining them in advance.
Sen. Byron Dorgan had a hearing yesterday that should be the foundation of where to look for money.

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