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March 30, 2008


Doesn't Davis have small children? How can someone say they are for family values and leave their children behind to go to D.C. five days a week?

Ollie says: Dr. Davis and his wife have four children. Congressman Walz has two.

We have to disagree with this criticism of either of candidate. In many American families, a spouse travels for business, and yet they do not value their children any less. To judge from what we have seen of their children, we'd say both the Walzes and the Davis-Lillienberg union are doing just fine as parents and we trust the Davis-Lillienberg household to be able to make sound decisions about private family arrangements in the event he is elected, just as the Walzes have been able to do. Both of Minnesota's Senators, too, have been able to accommodate their children's needs.

However, voters are free to consider this criterion--and any other--if they wish. Thanks for stopping by.

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