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April 14, 2008


Davis has a couple of things going for him. #1. His home county is the largest and the one that turned on Gutknecht. If you read last week’s NYT magazine article featuring Congressman Tom Cole’s ideal candidates, that’s what they want … the candidates to be from the critical counties. The second thing that they want is candidates who can self-finance through their own contacts. Did you see the report that the number 1 lobbying group was the pharmaceuticals/health products industry which saw 25 percent increase to $444.7 million in 2007. How much will they send to support Dr. Davis ? Remember the TV ads during the SCHIP votes that attacked Walz … they’ll be plenty of outside groups. Also, my take on the NYT Freedom Watch troubles is that it was more a problem of internal personalities … but then again when Bear Stearns and GE problems hit, even the super rich get antsy.

All said, if Boehner is concerned about Bachmann that should be a concern for the hardcore right-wingers since Bachmann has been a member of MillionDollar club of fundraisers since last year. She’s an upcoming media darling for them.
But that really shows is that John Kline is left vulnerable … the last time I looked, Kline was behind his historical fundraising pace and he’s in a spendy media market.

The DCCC really needs to step into Minnesota and support Madia to replace Ramstad and Sarvi in Kline’s district.

Ollie replies:
Interesting observation about Kline. You do know that Kline has been Davis's mentor, don't you?

Given Davis's paltry fundraising, "self-funding" doesn't look to be that strong a possibility. But money from the drug industry is a distinct possibility. . .but it has yet to happen. But to help guard against that possibility, those who want to see Walz returned to congress should not get complacent about the COH and continue to contribute. We agree some coin to Madia and Sarvi is a great idea.

As for Davis being from the most populous county, Gutknecht was from Olmsted as well. Given that Davis's health care ideas clash with those that Mayo has advanced through it own health care policy center and his lack of involvement with the broader Rochester community, it's hard to say that living in Rochester will be an advantage for him. After all, Gutknecht's lack of leadership on the DM & E issue was symptomatic of his lack of engagement with his constituents. Davis doesn't give any indication that he'll be anything other than a "teleforum" representative like his mentor Kline.

Walz, on the other hand, is extremely accessible in the district and in Washington.

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