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April 22, 2008


What happened between this April 22nd story and the MN-GOP convention that pushed the Telecom Immunity bill off the TalkingPoints ?

In all my reading of various accounts of the MN-GOP event, only Karl Rove bashed the Democrats on FISA. Did Alex Carey (per the Rochester P-B editorial) and Dr. Davis forget that they are supposed to attack Walz on this ?
From the 6/3/08 P-B editorial :
"Having accepted the task of rallying Republicans for a tough fight, Rove delivered. Hitting on all the key talking points -- small government, free enterprise, low taxes, personal responsibility, the Second Amendment and the right to life -- he made it clear that to win the presidency and make gains in Congress, the GOP can brook no compromises. Instead of inching toward the middle, his advice was to stand in stark contrast to the Democrats. "No nation has taxed and spent its way to prosperity in the history of the world!" he said.
Furthermore, on topics including health care reform, the war in Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama's foreign policy experience and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rove's speech could serve as a blueprint, or at least a reference tool, for plenty of GOP speeches and literature that will be delivered across the country."

WOW ... FISA is only implied with the overall speech.

If I am wrong and someone made this a prime issue, I hope it gets posted online ... because for now, it looks like everyone has forgotten about it. I guess the Defense of Democracies group better save their money.

Ollie Ox says: Karl Rove did talk about it and groused about Democrats who exchanged national security for pandering to trial lawyers. I think this talking point may be one of the reasons the RPM is treating the Ron Paul people so badly. They typically don't go in for this sort of wiretapping. Some of the most adamant criticisms of FISA at one of Walz's town forum came from Paulites in Rochester.

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