There's a new story in the Strib, State GOP has its own bookkeeping woes. The headline speaks for itself. We found this passage of interest:
A left-leaning blogger tried to ask Carey about the party’s FEC reports at a news conference the GOP called last week to highlight Franken’s problems. Carey dismissed him, saying the press briefing “is something for our credentialed media here.”
Carey did not respond this week to Star Tribune requests for an interview about the FEC filings.
“Just like any political entity, the Republican Party of Minnesota continues to work with the FEC to make certain our filings are in compliance,” party spokesman Mark Drake said in an e-mail Tuesday.
The Star Tribune just can't seem to bring itself to name the blogger and the blog where he posts (basic stuff), so here's goes. Two Putt Tommy's post is found at Minnesota Blue: A "Hypocrite Of The Week" Nominee: republiCon Ron. Check it out for yourself.
We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging.