We'll post reflections on this later.
1:54 A reporter asks about recruitment. Mike McLaughlin reiterates how everyone enlists voluntarily, primarily because of patriotism. Getting an education is secondary, and though important. They hear about the GI Bill, though don't know the details. Luke W. says he joined because of a desire to serve, and didn't look into the details until he was almost ready to leave the service.
Walz talks about how it's not a recruiting problem so much as a information issue. The VA just this month was authorized to advertise its benefits.
Obray notes how hikes in VA benefits were $8 one semester when his tuition went up ten percent.
1:45 A veteran in the room talks about the help he got from displaced veterans programs administered by the state of Minnesota helped him go to school, rather than the GI Bill. Walz praises that state program and reflects on how non-traditional students sometimes fall through the cracks.
1 41 Walz sums up how helpful the new GI Bill will be. For every dollar invested in veterans under the old GI Bill, there was a seven dollar return.
A question is asked about other, non-war or veterans' funding in the supplemental. Walz explains the possibilities for getting the bill passed.
1:36 David Obray, a reservist and the president of WSU student senate, praises the legislation. He anticipates that veterans won't have to work fulltime if the bill in passed. Steve O'Connor, past VFW state commander, talks about the support of vets groups for the legislation. He has heard the stories of the young soldiers and knows the new GI Bill will help. Luke W. talks about his experience. Josh Howe, who works with vets going to school throughout SE Minnesota, talks about how the new bill will not only help vets, but will also have an economic benefit for the larger community. Oberly talks about the American Legion's support
1:27: Marine veteran Mike McLaughlin is talking about how he understood that his expenses would be paid, but his expenses exceed the benefits. His wife works two jobs and he has to find one as well. His books aren't paid.
1:20 We're in Rochester liveblogging a press conference on the bi-partisan New GI Bill that Congressman Tim Walz is holding with veterans. Walz is joined by Iraq veteran Mike McLaughlin (Marines , David Obray, an Army Reservist E4 specialist and WSU student senate president, Higher Education Veterans Programs Coordinator, Joshua Howe, County Veterans Service Officer, Neil Doyle, and American Legion Post commander, Reid Oberly and Steve O'Connor, former state commander of the VFW.