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May 07, 2008


Reading the Tom Cole NRCC “we got no money” story in context of the Roll Call story tells me that the unmentioned John Kline is the one in trouble. Kline’s success in the past two elections has been based on voter apathy for the Democratic candidates while he carried the political football for George Bush (remember he previously carried the “nuclear” football for Reagan). Well, now George Bush is radioactive. McCain’s tax proposals and foreign policy statements will be easily supported by Kline …. This year the voters in the Second District have the potential to hear from a competent military veteran with public service experience offering a better voice for the district. Kline has less than half the money that Gutknecht had for the 2006 campaign and all the baggage of an out-of-sync entrenched Congressman. If Sarvi can harness the “Walz-energy” that was introduced to First District voters during the 2006 campaign, he should have a solid shot. Especially if the Presidential candidates can schedule a visit to the District … imagine an Obama rally in Northfield or Red Wing talking about SCHIP … while McCain could hold a town hall meeting in Eagan (hey, Kline might actually show up) with some of the corporation executives that McCain wants to cut their taxes. What a contrast that would be !

Here are two questions to ponder :
Will the Republican Convention help to brand Kline tighter to the Bush legacy?
Will the 527 groups be forced run TV ads in the spendy Twin Cities market to support Kline ?

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