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May 07, 2008


Steve LaTourette should never use the term “lovefest”.

If you don’t know the story of LaTourette, he’s a poster child for corruption in office (and in his personal life) – Ethics and Earmarks !

Susan LaTourette never moved to Washington with her husband when he was elected to the House of Representatives in the Republican sweep of 1994. Instead, she chose to stay at home, in suburban Madison, Ohio, with their children. Then one day, she was startled to receive his telephone call to tell her "he had a girlfriend and wanted a divorce." LaTourette's affair with a Washington lobbyist was exposed by the Hill newspaper in 2003.
LaTourette told the Hill she never really knew where her husband lived in Washington. "I think Washington corrupts people," she said. "He was a wonderful husband and father, the best I ever saw, until he went there. I told him I was trying to get him out of the dark side -- all that power and greed and people kissing up to them all the time. Now he's one of them. All they care about is getting reelected. I hate them all."

The father of four and husband of 21 years voted for President Clinton's impeachment, but he has also joined moderate Republicans on a number of issues, including support for hate crimes legislation.

The Washington lobbyist and her background have gone unmentioned in previous published accounts of the affair. But two sources close to Susan LaTourette, the congressman's wife, have told Salon that the lobbyist is Steven LaTourette's former chief of staff, Jennifer Laptook, whose work as a vice president for the firm Van Scoyoc Associates consists of pushing the interests of various Ohio-based clients before the staff of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, on which LaTourette sits. He is also chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management.
The affair began when Laptook was on LaTourette's staff. Immediately upon leaving his office in March 2003, she was hired for the lucrative business of influencing LaTourette's committee. Touting her qualifications, the Van Scoyoc Web site states: "As chief of staff, Laptook was responsible for advising on all legislative issues, particularly those that came before the committees on which Congressman LaTourette serves. Laptook worked intimately with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee staff, on which the congressman is a senior member."

Ollie Ox says: Excellent observations, my wise friend!

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