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May 11, 2008


My choice of title is open to criticism, yet would the message be the same if it was “Why didn’t Republicans attend VA Committee Hearing?”

Thanks for posting the video link.
Addressing veterans’ needs should be non-partisan and the comments from the members of Congress (who were, with the exception of one, Democrats) were universally “What can we do to help”. My assessment was that Walz was not speaking as a Democrat but as a concerned veteran … you could see it as he ripped the VA and praised Secretary Peake.
But my criticism is really directed at the lack of participation by the Republican members. The House Republicans in caucus approve who gets assigned to each committee – so it’s valid to ask why they were not there. In fact, tomorrow an election will be held in Mississippi and one of the carrots offered by both parties is a seat on the Veterans Committee.
It is easy to find out how many roll call votes a member missed, but I don’t know if the information is readily available for how many committee meetings were attended. Mark Kennedy was proud of his 100 % voting record, but it’s pretty easy to be around to click a For / Against button especially when the party managers tell you how you should vote.

If the Walz for Congress staff needs a TV or Internet commercial, I would suggest they pick-up his questioning at this hearing … that was Congressman Walz fighting for ALL OUR VETERANS.

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