One of Walz's former students writes to the Mankato Free Press to say Walz would continue to fight:
As a former student of Tim Walz, I would easily and accurately have characterized myself as a fervent “fan-boy” during his first run for Congress. Two years of college and interaction with students much smarter than I have moderated my political views and left me quite disaffected with the ways of Washington. Though my hope in and respect for the current character of American politics has waned, my faith in my former geography teacher has not.
Walz and I have likely parted ways on not a small number of held opinions, but one thing I will vehemently vouch for is this (and one must forgive what seems a contrite remark): Walz is who he is: An independent thinker who will never displace his hopes and cares for southern Minnesota with the political positioning and do-nothing spirit that now plagues our federal government.
His past conduct in Congress inspires great confidence in his current and future ability to effectively parse through the hot air in Washington and to strongly advocate those issues, which he fervently believes to be in the best interest of those he stands for as a representative.
The Pelosis and Obamas of the politics of today can stand aside. Walz will continue to fight for us and us, alone. As far as I am concerned this distinction has earned him another two years in Congress.
Oops! In the Mountain Lake Observer/Butterfield Advocate, yet another GOP letter writer lip syncs the Brian Davis and NRCC song about that Chinese-Cuban drilling urban legend. It's like doing karaoke of the Milli Vanilli of energy policy.
The writer also doesn't seem to get it that while no new refineries have been built, refinery capacity is up 20 percent, with the equivalent of four new refineries coming on line by 2010, or so those commies at the American Petroleum Institute tell me.The link also leads to an interesting discussion in a separate letter of former GOP leader Dave Jennings' recent remarks at a DFL fundraiser in Morton.
MPR reports that Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston and Mower Counties sustained enough damage in recent flooding to receive FEMA assistance. Congressman Walz, Senators Klobuchar and Coleman pressed for the effort after Governor Pawlenty requested help.
The Faribault County Register reports a federal $95,000 grant put on hold:
A group trying to fix the roof of the old Delavan High School is finding out it’s not quite that easy.
DHS, Inc. volunteers have held numerous fundraisers for the project, raising about $2,000 earlier this year.
The United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development recently came to the aid and awarded a “conditional grant” of $95,000 to help pay for repairs.
All was progressing well until the USDA determined the school is a historical building. Then, as required by law, the Minnesota State Historical Preservation Office stepped in.
“It’s been a major struggle,” says Steve Scheid, past president of DHS, Inc. “We just want to fix the leaky roof....
Congressman Walz, State Senator Julie Rosen, and State Rep. Tony Cornoish are trying to help get the project moving forward again..
The Hawaii Reporters notes that Walz is the House author of the companion bill in Welcome Progress on [Senator] Akaka's Pain Care Legislation for veterans.
The Post Bulletin is running a multi-part special report on child abuse. The work of the National Child Protection Training Center, is noted. The refusal of a highly-scored, peer reviewed NCPTC grant application to a DOJ program recently led to a House oversight hearing upon Walz's request.
A letter writer in the Spring Grove Herald notes Tim Walz shows common sense in wanting to devise a energy strategy, since drilling in closed areas will do little to lower gas prices, government reports show. Americablog notes the link between high oil prices and the return on offshore drilling.
In our comments section about Walz's FISA Bill blog, our friend McPherson Hall noted that comments are allowed. Interesting responses from Minnesotans. At Corner House Comment, the parent of an Iraq War veteran laments the human of passing the new GI Bill in New GI Bill A Reality?.
And now, for those who missed the lip syncing brilliance of the 1980s, here's Milli Vanilli's classic, "Girl, You Know It's True" going out to the GOP base.