Polinaut tells us that endorsed GOP candidate Brian Davis, who faces a challenge from Senator Dick Day in September's primary, attended the hush-hush Dick Cheney fundraiser in Wayzata yesterday:
Vice President Dick Cheney quietly slipped in and out of Minnesota yesterday for a fundraiser. AP, the Pi Press and the Star Tribune have stories.
The MNGOP would not say who hosted the event and would only characterize the take as "six figures." Super sleuthing (which basically means e-mailing and talking to people) found out that Sen. Norm Coleman, Michele Bachmann and John Kline did not attend the fundraiser. 3rd District candidate Erik Paulsen and 1st District candidate Brian Davis did attend.
The AP article reports:
The fundraiser came to light when news organizations began asking about traffic-snarling road closures that usually accompany visits by high-profile public officials.
The Pioneer Press says that the Republican Party wouldn't tell the press who was there:
Countryman said she didn't know whether other any other congressional candidates who would benefit from the fundraiser attended.
Do you suppose Cheney and Davis talked about energy policy? Voters in the First may have about as much luck finding out about the details as the conservative watchdog group Judical Watch did when it tried to find out about Cheney's National Energy Policy Development Group. That worked out so well for everybody, as the Campaign for Our Future notes:
The Bush administration energy plan was written by the secret Cheney Energy Task Force with the help of big oil companies. According to the National Journal, "Executives from such industry giants as Chevron Corp., Exxon Mobil Corp., Shell Oil Co., as well as company and trade group lobbyists, held productive sessions with task force officials." As a result, "the task force recommendations read pretty much like a wish list of subsidies and giveaways to oil, gas, and coal producers who made hefty campaign contributions to the Bush-Cheney Team," the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
We'll be interested in the FEC reports to see how much of the pie got sliced for Davis.
Update: in the meantime, consider giving to Tim Walz if you are able. Other worthy places for contributions are Steve Sarvi (MN-02); Ashwin Madia (MN-03) and El Tinklenberg in MN-06. It's Steve Sarvi Blog Day, and so we'd like to see the money go there today.