A veterans affair subcommittee hearing was held today.. From the FNS Daybook:
Health Subcommittee markup of H.R.2818, to provide for the establishment of Epilepsy Centers of Excellence in the Veterans Health Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs; and H.R.2192, to establish an Ombudsman within the Department of Veterans Affairs; and hearing on H.R.4089, to improve the collective bargaining rights and procedures for review of adverse actions of certain employees of the Veterans Affairs Department; H.R.4463, the "Veterans Health Care Quality Improvement Act"; H.R.5888, to expand veteran eligibility for reimbursement by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for emergency treatment furnished in a non-Department facility; H.R.6114, the "Simplifying and Updating National Standards to Encourage Testing of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (SUNSET) Act of 2008"; and H.R.6122, the "Veterans Pain Care Act of 2008."
LOCATION: 334 Cannon House Office Building -- June 5, 2008
PARTICIPANTS: House Veterans Affairs Chairman Bob Filner, D-Calif.; Rep. Mike Doyle, D-Pa.; Rep. Tim Walz, D-Minn.; Principal Deputy VA Undersecretary for Health Gerald Cross; VA Assistant General Counsel Walter Hall; Kathryn Enchelmayer, director of quality of standards in the Veterans Health Administration's Office of Quality and Performance; Dennis Cullinan, director of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States' National Legislative Service; and Richard Weidman, director of government relations for the Vietnam Veterans of America, testify.
Walz will going to Winona tomorrow afternoon to check out the closed bridge with Congressman Oberstar:
Tomorrow, Congressman Tim Walz, who is a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will be joined in Winona by House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman and
fellow Minnesotan Jim Oberstar at the recently closed Hwy 43 bridge in Winona, Minnesota. Mn/DOT closed the bridge late Tuesday as a result of concerns about deteriorating gusset plates and the bridge's overall condition.Walz and Oberstar will visually inspect the closed Hwy 43 Bridge and will hear from local leaders about their concerns.
The National Weather Service is predicting thunderstorms. A storm chaser predicted to the Mankato Free Press that there will be a major storm in the area:
The version from storm chaser Simon Brewer is somewhat more dramatic.
“The setup for this system tomorrow looks something along the lines of historic proportions,” he said Wednesday afternoon. “There’s going to be a natural disaster tomorrow.”
Keep any eye on what's happening in your area and listen to weather service reprots and forecasts. Take care!
Update: Sorry about the goof originally in this post.--Congress is in session. (Being at a conference distracted me).