We just received this press release from Walz campaign central:
In anticipation of Labor Day, 2008, union members and labor organizations came together to form Labor for Walz, a strong, grassroots organization that will help mobilize southern Minnesotans to support Tim.
“Tim Walz is a champion for the middle class and has been working hard for us in Washington , D.C,” said Russell Hess, President of Southeast Minnesota Central Labor Council and a Labor for Walz member. “Labor for Walz will be working hard over the next 2 ½ months to ensure that one of its own will be re-elected to continue changing Washington , DC and working to move America forward.”
Congressman Walz, a member of Education Minnesota, said, “For over a century, the organized labor movement has been working to protect and build the middle class through safe working conditions, living wages, and health care for workers,” Walz said. “I am proud to be a union member and proud that so many members of the organized labor movement support my campaign for re-election”
The following organizations have endorsed Congressman Tim Walz:
IBEW Minnesota State Council
UAW Minnesota State CAP Council
AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education
Teamsters Joint Council 32 DRIVE Commission
Education Minnesota
AFSCME Council 5
AFSCME Council 65
International Union of Operating Engineers (Local 49)
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
There are over 500 members of Labor for Walz throughout the 1st Congressional District.
That's a strong mix of MN AFL-CIO unions and Change to Win unions.