We came across this headline, It's Two Against One, Just To Make Things Fair, at the National Journal Hotline. When we saw what was behind the firewall, we saw that the piece was simply a roughly edited version of Matt Stolle's Post Bulletin article: Walz faces off with Davis, Day in debate.
Readers should check out the original, however clever the Hotline Journal headline is.
Update: We don't know if the next venue will be more fair, but it doesn't look as if Senator Day will be there.
Tim Walz and Brian Davis will be guests of Winona's Women in Business, according to this report from Winona Radio:
Four political candidates will be the special guests at this month's meeting of the Winona Women in Business group.
The event will take place at noon on Thursday, August 21st, at Westfield Golf Club.
On hand will be First District Congressman Tim Walz and his Republican challenger Brian Davis. Also attending will be Minnesota State Representative Gene Pelowski and his Republican challenger, Rhett Zenke.
All four will address current campaign issues.
The cost is $12 a person and the reservation deadline is this Monday, August 11th.
For more information contact Tammy Kramer at 689-4552.