The Mankato Free Press's Mark Fischenich reports today that the Brian Davis campaign says it has raised $100,000 in the pre-primary period (July 1-August 20).
If the Free Press is accurate (and with Davis involved, one never knows), that means that the endorsed GOP candidate raised less than 50percent of his fundraising goal for the reporting period.
A friend passed along a copy of a Davis fundraising letter sent out earlier this summer (the name is redacted) in which Davis said he'd need $250,000 by August 15 (the FEC deadline was actually August 20) in order to maintain his campaign's "building winning momentum":
If the MFP is correct--and Fischenich is usually accurate--the candidate's failure to make his stated goal shows the Davis campaign isn't getting the traction it needs.
Davis's letter repeated the assertion that it needed to raise $250,000 (and the incorrect deadline) in a p.s.:
We know that Davis woke up to the fact that the pre-primary deadline was actually August 20 because his appeal for last-minute contributions appeared around the Innertubes.
And if raising close to $250,000 and building grassroots by assembling an energized group of volunteers to make phone calls and knock on doors is the measure of winning momentum, the news in today's Free Press article suggests that Walz is on the road to victory in November:
“We’re excited about this [the fundraising], but this is only a piece of the overall campaign,” Schmitter said, saying the campaign has an army of volunteers who have already made about 100,000 phone calls to voters and knocked on approximately 60,000 doors. “We’re confident we’ll have the volunteers and the financial resources we need to win in November. We feel good. We feel great.”
We hope that Schmitter and the rest of Walz's staff and small army of volunteers wouldn't get too confident and they keep working as if their stellar candidate is the underdog.
Files of the complete letter can be downloaded here: Download bdletpage1.jpg and Download bdletpage2.jpg