A year ago today, a bridge fell into the Mississippi River. Keep the bridge collapse victims, their families, and all of those who
pitched in for their rescue in your thoughts and prayers today.
The Minneapolis Star Tribune looks back in One year after: Remembering, rebuilding.
In Our bridges: To do nothing will cost more, Walz speaks to safety:
And Rep. Tim Walz, D-Minn., who is on the Transportation Committee with Oberstar, said infrastructure safety should be a top priority.
The I-35W bridge collapse and the recent Winona bridge closure are two examples of what is happening across the country, he said.
Image: The Strib offers an interactive map of Minnesota bridges that are "'structurally deficient,' 'functionally obsolete' or have gusset plates like those on the I-35W bridge."
FYI : During this morniing's opening session, Congressman Ellison spoke of the tragedy and then about 8:15 CST, Congressman Walz spoke for a minute. Walz spoke as a teacher and the impact of seeing that school bus teetering on the bridge and then saluted the rescue workers for their efforts.
Two Congressman that Minnesotans can be proud of.
Posted by: Minnesota Central | August 01, 2008 at 06:30 PM