Looking over the Brian Davis campaign site, we've noticed an interesting link dated yesterday:
September 15, 2008
Brian Davis for Congress Releases Their First Television Ad
The average reader might take that to mean that, gosh, the Davis for Congress committee had released its (we like to use the appropriate pronoun, but maybe the ultra-conservative Davis simply doesn't know about collective nouns) first television ad.
Davis had run an ad on cable before the primary, asking for viewers' votes in the September 9 Republican primary. The launch of a tv ad would certainly mark a new phrase for the Davis campaign (click on thumbnail below to view a screenshot of the link on the Davis home world).
Alas, when we clicked on the link, it simply took us to an August 27 press release for the ad Davis ran on cable. That's the one the Winona Daily News blogger and the Mankato Free Press called misleading, as the DFL pointed out in Davis Campaign Lies About Walz Record.
By all means, those who wish to vote for Dr. Davis in the September 9 primary should contact Dr. Emmett L. Brown and make the necessary arrangements.
Davis's web master also updated the link on the front page yesterday:Upcoming Events: UPDATED 9/15 which leads to a list that ends with this:
September 5, 2008 – Mankato Rally
September 6, 2008 – Mabel
September 7, 2008 – Mantorville
September 8, 2008 – Rochester Rally
September 9, 2008 – Primary
September 13, 2008 – Worthington Parade and Meet and Greet
Election: November 4!
Page Dr. Brown if you want to join Davis at last week's events.
Finally, we took a look at Davis's profile at blogger, where his favorite book was listed: Reagan's War by Peter Schweikert. Davis is the only person of hundreds of thousands of bloggers using the Blogger platform who lists this title and author as a favorite (click on the thumb nail to see the cropped screen shot).
That's probably because Reagan's War was written by Peter Schweizer.
Dr. Davis's supporters routinely suggest that voters should support their candidate because he's a genius. Even a brief visit to his web site reveals the depth of that claim.