The Strib reports A bitter pill draws a bipartisan refusal. The PiPress examines at How they voted and takes statements. Ed Felker at the Post Bulletin notes Walz votes against bailout proposal Monday; Kline votes in favor.
The Worthington Globe says Bailout splits Minnesota lawmakers. Walz quote:
“The bill we voted on today passes the buck when it comes to recouping the losses taxpayers might suffer,” Walz said. “I also regret that this bill does not do enough to help average homeowners, or provide sufficient oversight of Wall Street.”
The Winona Daily News reports Walz, Davis oppose bailout. The Mankato Free Press provides more details on why Walz, Davis oppose bailout plan. We look at Davis's fable here. The MFP editorial board says Bailout has little Main Street support.
House defeats bailout; Dow drops in the Albert Lea Tribune. The Austin Herald runs Walz's statement in Rep. Walz votes no on bailout.
ECM Publishers, which owns the Caledonia Argus, reports Minnesota congressional delegation forms unusual grouping in vote on financial bailout.
KEYC-TV broadcast Walz Discusses Vote on Bailout. KAAL-TV covered the vote in Tim Walz on Bailout Plan. SW Minnesota viewers heard about it via KSFY in Why They Voted "No". Walz's vote lined up withthat of South Dakota's Herseth and Iowa's Steve King.
MinnPost looks at the split. Its Daily Glean provides a fine wrap up of Twin Cities coverage in A trillion little pieces: why Minnesota partisans splintered on bailout. The MN Indy reports House rejects bailout package; Minnesota delegation splits its votes.