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September 05, 2008


I stopped at the library to review some of the local small town papers and was almost kicked out for laughing so hard at Davis' letter.
I expected to see that he worked in the "energy industry" which immediately brought to mind Congressman Walz's comment at FarmFest about his work in the energy industry ... pumping gas. But we should vote for him because he's a "taxpayer" ... gosh, I hope so ... but did he pay his taxes on time ? To me one of the characteristics of honesty, it to comply to the tax laws that require timely payment. Actually, I would like proof that he filed income taxes ... his creditability needs to be proven before we can except him at his word.

Seriously, why does he propose no changes in the structure of royalty payments ? Made he needs to contact Governor Sarah Palin who demand changes in royalty payments from the oil industry in Alaska.

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