While we were gone today, this press release came in from the Walz campaign:
Seniors and Leaders: Dr. Brian Davis is Wrong on Medicare
Davis called Medicare “a burden”
( Mankato , MN ) – Today, at a local senior assisted-living center, Mankato seniors said Dr. Brian Davis is wrong on Medicare. Dr. Davis has called Medicare “a burden” and unsustainable, implying that cuts to Medicare are on the way.
“We need someone in Washington who is working for our seniors and fighting to protect Medicare,” said former State Representative Ruth Johnson. “Dr. Brian Davis only says that Medicare is a ‘burden’ that we can’t sustain. It sounds like Dr. Davis plans to cut Medicare. In this economy, southern Minnesotan seniors can’t afford Brian Davis.”
“As a doctor, I know that we need someone in Washington who will work to protect Medicare,” said Wynn Kearney, a local doctor. “Tim Walz has consistently fought to protect Medicare. He voted to protect Medicare against a 10% cut in reimbursement rates and he voted to allow Medicare to negotiate for cheaper drug prices for seniors. Tim will work across the aisle to protect Medicare through common-sense solutions.”
“In this economy, Minnesota seniors need someone who will protect Medicare,” said local senior and Medicare recipient Joan Cattrysse. “Dr. Brian Davis is not that person.”
“Dr. Brian Davis thinks the care that seniors receive is a burden,” said another senior and Medicare Part D recipient, Sally Coomes. “ Southern Minnesota can do better than that.”
Tim Walz voted to protect Medicare against a 10% cut in reimbursement rates and give Medicare the power to negotiate for cheaper prescription drug prices.
Davis Said Medicare Was A Burden On American Job Creators: Daviswrote, “We need to address Social Security and Medicare and the burden they place on the American job creator.” [briandavisforcongress.com, accessed 9/15/08]
Walz Voted For Medicare Prescription Drug Negotiation. In 2007, Walz voted to require the Health and Human Services (HHS) Department to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices. The bill passed 255-170. [HR 4, Vote #23; CQ Weekly, 1/8/07]
Walz Voted To Allow Reimportation Of Prescription Drugs. [HR 3161, Vote #806, 8/2/07]
Walz Voted to Prevent Cuts to Medicare Physicians, Increase Funding. In 2008, Walz voted in favor of a bill to stop a 10.6 percent cut in Medicare’s physician payment rates, scheduled to take effect July 1, 2008. The motion was agreed to by a vote of 355-59. [HR 6331, Vote #443, 6/24/08; CQ Today, 6/25/08]
First nutrition programs, now Social Security and Medicare. Does Davis support providing any sense of security or safety net for ordinary Americans?
Photo: Former State Rep. Ruth Johnson