The Minnesota Ag Connection reports that Klobuchar, Peterson, Walz receive Farmers Union Golden Triangle Award:
Senator Amy Klobuchar, Congressman Collin Peterson, and Congressman Tim Walz receive the National Farmers Union 2008 Golden Triangle Award. The annual award is the farm organization's highest legislative honor and presented to members of Congress who have demonstrated leadership on issues relevant to America's family farmers, ranchers and rural communities.
"Minnesotans are very fortunate to have Senator Klobuchar, Chairman Peterson, and Congressman Walz in Congress fighting for rural America," said Doug Peterson, Minnesota Farmers Union President. "All three of these members are repeat recipients of this award, and I want to thank them for their hard work and dedication, and look forward to continuing to work with them on the issues that impact farmers and ranchers in Minnesota."
This year's golden triangle recipients were selected for their leadership on a variety of issues, including: support for the 2008 Farm Bill, implementing mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL), increasing the use and production of fuels from the farm, addressing food safety concerns, support for fair trade and agriculture's role in addressing climate change.
The Golden Triangle Award is based on NFU's symbol -- a triangle with "legislation" and "cooperation" forming the sides and "education" the base. The Golden Triangle Awards have been presented annually since 1988.
In another issue important to rural voters, the Post Bulletin's Matt Stolle reports in the paper's Political Notebook:
NRA endorses Walz
Democratic Congressman Tim Walz scored a political coup last week, receiving the endorsement of the National Rifle Association's Political Action Fund.
The Walz campaign was clearly pleased with the development since the organization typically gives its endorsement to Republicans, which are often thought of as the NRA's staunchest supporters. A Walz aide cited the endorsement as proof of the freshman congressman's centrist orientation and ability to work in a bipartisan fashion. The campaign also says it rebuts the Republican charge that Walz is a Pelosi Democrat who supports San Francisco values and not southern Minnesota values.
"During his first term in the House, Congressman Walz consistently supported the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners and sportsman and demonstrated a strong commit to the second amendment and our country's rich hunting heritage," said Chris W. Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF. "Because of his unwavering pro-gun support, Tim Walz earned an 'A' rating and an endorsement from NRA-PVF."
We hope Congressman Walz gets a chance to do some pheasant hunting--following the election, of course. Birds are plentiful from what we see on the back roads.