Since the House will be reconvening on October 2 at noon Eastern time and Congressman Walz will be in Washington, the Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce will be rescheduling Thursday's debate, the RACC confirmed in a phone call.
Those who have registered will be notified of the new day and time via email. If we understand arrangements correctly, the good people at The Uptake will be live at the debate.
Given the interesting business climate, this should prove worth watching. We recommend that those who can should attend the event.
Update: The kind and professional people at the RACoC have posted the following note on the chamber's web site:
Due to Congress being called back to Washington D.C. on Thursday to address the United States financial crisis the debate between Brian Davis and Tim Walz scheduled for this Thursday at noon has been postponed.
The Chamber will announce a new debate date as soon as it has been rescheduled.