Minnesota Central looks at one aspect of the GOP primary in Davis opposes Palin Oil Plan:
Dr. Brian Davis’ Letter to the Editor in the New Ulm Journal seeking votes in the September 9th Republican Primary, states his bottom line as “We need to increase domestic energy production without government placing too many obstacles in the way in the form of regulations and new taxes, fees or royalties.”
Domestic energy is his primary, if not only, issue.
Since this is a Republican Primary, the comparison to other Republican’s positions tells voters a lot about Davis knowledge of the issue.
John McCain has praised Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) for her knowledge of domestic energy production.Yet her policies are in stark contrast to Dr. Davis.
In August 2007, Alaska Gov. Palin called state lawmakers into special session to enact her "Alaska's Clear and Equitable Share" plan. The Palin administration said its tax plan would place Alaska about average worldwide in terms of government receipts and it would also end tax credits for past oil field investments.
The legislation that was enacted raised taxes on the oil industry and sent money to struggling consumers.. . .
Read the rest at MC. McPherson Hall concludes:
If the District is going to be represented by a Republican, Dr. Davis does not have the knowledge, experience or philosophy that will help taxpayers.
To paraphrase Dr. Davis, "I am confident that the Republicans can offer a better candidate.”
When Gil Gutknecht’s term limit pledge indicated that he would not run in 2006, I advocated State Senator Dick Day for the job. Day has legislative experience that Davis does not.
If you’re voting in the September 9th primary, vote Day.
Elsewhere in Southern Minnesota's netroots, Minnesota First directs his readers toward Obama's responses to questions in the ScienceDebate 2008. Congressman Walz was a supporter of the debate. The blogger also reminds us of The Stakes in the upcoming elections. Ron Amundson writes"his counter to “Huckabee speaks in support of McCain/Palin.
Just over the border in South Dakota, KDLT reports More Funding for Vet's Home.Congressman Walz announced a $723,000 federal grant to help build an addition for Alzheimer and dementia patients.
The New Ulm Journal reports on a $625000 grant for United Way for drug education programs:
The United Way of the Brown County Area received word from Congressman Tim Walz's office on Tuesday afternoon that their application on behalf of the Underage Substance Abuse Coalition (USAC) for $125,000 a year over the next five years had received full funding.
Another endorsement for Walz in Election 2008: Boilermakers recommend candidates.
Now, a closing tune from Ted Leo: